22 January 2012


By Vassia, Irene and Joanna (Class ST1)

Hi everyone!!! Our names are Vasia, Irene and Joanna and we would like to tell you about an animal that we would like to have as a pet. A koala!!! Koalas live in Australia. They usually have cute eyes, grey fur and they eat vegetables. Koalas sleep about 20 hours a day and the other 4 hours of the day they eat! We love Koalas so much! Do you? Would you like to have a koala as a pet?


Sophia Mavridi said...

What a nice project! Well done girls!
I'm not sure whether I would like to have one as a pet, though. Can it live in a house? How big is it? Like a cat or a little dog or much bigger than this?

vicky said...

very nice!! i like it!!! i would'n like to have one as a pet because my mum is allergic

Ioanna!!! said...

I like your photos and I like koalas!It is a very good project!

Argyro said...

I like your photos and what you write about Koalas. Fantastic project!

Popi said...

Girls you made a very very very very nice project and i like KOALAS too.



Marcos said...

Your projects is very nice.What do they eat?

Marcos said...

It's nice.What does it eat?

ARGYRO said...

i like your photos and what you write about koalas fantastic project bravo

MARIANNA said...


elena said...

hi girls. I like your project about koalas . How many years do koalas live?

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