27 February 2012

Meet me by Maria G.


Hi all,                                                                                                                                                                                                   
My  name is Mary I am  11 years   old   and  I  live  in  Athens. I live with my family in a nice, big and cozy house. I have three pets and I love them very much.  
I play basketball   in a team called Esperos and I want to play there forever. I also have drawing  classes  because  I  like drawing  and  I  am good  at  it.       

When  I  grow  up  I  would  like  to become a psychologist for children because I love kids and I want  to  help  them  in  their  life.                                                                                                                                                                                                         
If  you want  to know  more  about me   leave  a  comment  and I will  answer  your  questions  soon.                                                                                                                                                       



Vicky M. said...

Hi Maria!! Very good job!!! I ask you one question:How many years have you been playing basketball?

Anonymous said...

I play basketball four years THANK FOR YOUR COMMENT!!!!!!MariaG.

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