6th Grade
Rex is a Dalmatian dog. It is 3 months old and it is 0.5 meter tall.
He loves people and particularly children. He likes playing with small balls and branches. He also likes eating meat. He can swim very well and he can chase cats.
We really love Rex because he's a great pet!
Rex is very very cute and very sweet. You did a fantastic terrible job. Congratulations!
Boys this project is amazing, you have done a very good job.
thank you all for your comments.
Maira M.
Very good project
Panos M
very nice project!!!!!!I love it!
I like your project it is very good
I liked it very much. What time does it get up?
Rex is great dog and very prity.What time does it eat his breakfast.Good job!
i like very much your project good job .whose is rex ? boys and girl
oh it's very cute
Rex is a realy pretty dog!!!I think it's kind of big(I'm talking about 0.5 tall)but he is sure a funny and active dog!!!Nice project!!!
guys very good project we like very much dog
irene r.
Τhe project is nice.Can he play football?
guys very good project.
Which of you four is the owner of the dog?
WOW guys very nice job i like your dog it's very sweet!!
hallo guys well done!!!!Rex is very sweet dog!!!!!
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